There are some conditions that raise your risk of infertility. If these conditions apply to you, you may want to go ahead and consult a professional before the typical waiting period. Doing so could means that you don’t waste six months or a year before seeking help.
If you have polycystic ovary disease, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or uterine fibroids, a trip to a fertility expert is likely in order. If you have a history of chlamydia or gonorrhoea, you should go ahead and schedule an appointment. If you have had surgery that led to blocked Fallopian tubes, or a history of pelvic or abdominal surgery, then you may need help conceiving. Painful or irregular periods or excessive facial or body hair can also indicate infertility issues. If you were exposed to the medication DES in utero, you should go ahead and place a call to a specialist.
Additionally, smoking raises your infertility risk. So does being about 2 stone or more overweight. If either you or your partner have a chronic illness like diabetes, thyroid disease, or cancer, then you may need some assistance. If your partner has undescended testicles or testicle tumors or cysts, you should see a fertility expert. If he contracted the mumps after puberty, he is at risk of fertility issues.
If your partner smokes tobacco (or marijuana) or takes steroids or antihypertensive medications, you should go ahead and seek an expert’s help. Equally, long-distance bicycle rides, hot tubs and saunas are risk factors for infertility in men.

