Nowadays, society tells us when it is acceptable to start having a baby: too young and they look down on you, too old and they question if you can handle it.


However, there are so many positives to having kids at either age, and here are five for each:


Young mum


Your biological clock doesn’t tick as loudly

By the time you reach the stage in life when your biological clock should have started ticking profusely, it doesn’t. You already have a child or children and don't feel pressurised. 


You have a lot more energy

Ok so not every older mum is slow or sluggish and young mums too can be unfit, but in general terms you are going to have a lot more energy to run around after your little one.


You do things you never thought you could do

Having kids forces you to rethink your life and perhaps shift your goals, but being a young mum you are a lot more focused on what you want to achieve and even more so to give your child they life they deserve.


You’ll still be young when your kids are grown up

Think about it, if you have your child in your early twenties, they will be grown up and in college before you have even reached fifty – giving you plenty of time to relax and enjoy time with your partner.


You’re not too settled

You have yet to get settled into a certain way of life so are more willing to try new things or go on adventures, kids in tow. 


Older mum


More financially secure

You have had plenty of years to put a little bit aside so that you have money there for your child. Older parents, although not necessarily all, will be secure in their finances and more able to work part time.


You are more sure of yourself  

The older we get the more confident we become in what we want in life and what we don’t want. You will question your parenting skills less as you trust your instincts. 


Your children keep you young

You won’t have time to sit down and get old – you’ll have a child to run after.


You are a lot wiser

You have had a life of experience that you can now pass down to your child. You are more likely to let things go and not sweat the small stuff.


You can lean on friends

Your friends are likely to have kids already so you can lean on them for support and advice. And if they have older children then you are guaranteed to have a readymade babysitter. 

