Any of you regular or not-so-regular travellers out there will know that sometimes the language barrier you encounter can ruin a holiday.


Miscommunications and wrong directions, it can be a total disaster and HUGE time waster and totally embarrassing when the locals have no idea what you're saying.



Well we’ve got one item you should pack in your case to help you out of any sticky language situation.


George, Steven and Florian met in Bern, Switzerland and began a journey of exploration together through Vietnam.



On the trip, George’s motorcycle broke down and when he brought it to the local mechanic he had a very difficult time explaining the problem.


We all try and learn the basics if we’re heading to a country with a different language but it can be hard, either we forget or we butcher the pronunciation.



Well this T-shirt could be the solution to all our problems.



The Iconspeak clothing range has over 40 key icons to describe exactly what you need to say, this T-shirt has you covered if you want to say things like:


Is the water safe to drink?


I have an emergency.


Where can I rent a bike?



We think this is a great idea for anyone who if heading away on holiday, even if it is just for the first day.


SHARE this nifty idea.


