Family is a time for family, friends and lots of loved ones. The kids are off school and their excitement before Santa comes is palpable.
However, that's all over now and we know you are probably exhausted, so have a laugh on us with these hilarious quotes on motherhood!
1. You leave for two hours and come home with milk and bread...but it was amazing. 
2. By definition
3. Is this an artform? It has to be an artform. 
4. Unless you hear the dreaded words 'uh oh' the second you put shampoo in your hair...
5. And it's almost always in the first place you look too. You're not a legend around these parts for nothin' you know!
6. Ladies and gentlemen: the dream
7. Things could have been a LOT worse
8. "Whoops, I accidently hung up the kid instead of the laundry!"
9. It's nice to feel needed...we suppose
10. Knowing the difference
all images via Pinterest

