When it comes to teaching our children about how to behave, not telling lies is up there with being one of the most important; however, us mums like to consider ourselves the exception to the rule.
But it’s ok, because we are just thinking about our kids, right? Here are ten of the worst lies we definitely need to stop telling our kids:
When your little one asks if they can get a family pet
‘No, I’m allergic to all kinds of animals, especially dogs’ - even though you know you’re not.
When they ask how old you are on your birthday  
‘I’m still 21. Mums don’t age once they hit 21.’ Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. But when they do finally find out, they will think you are really old. Just tell them the truth.
When your child runs wild while you are doing the grocery shop
‘The security man will call the police and they’ll put you in jail if you don’t settle down.’ Well, maybe not jail.
When the dog, that you finally allowed them to get, dies
‘Someone robbed him in the middle of the night’ This is just going to make the situation so much worse.
Is this fish?
‘No, it’s definitely chicken...’ Really? They will just end up thinking everything they eat is chicken.
Can I have chewing gum?
‘No, it is so dangerous that if you accidently swallow it it will be in your stomach for seven years.’ Even mums believe this one.
When they sit too close to the TV
‘Your eyes will turn square if you sit that close.’ This can actually backfire - some kids might like the idea of square eyes.
When they won’t eat their carrots
‘They give your powers to see in the dark’ Always handy to get them to eat their veg, but a lie nonetheless. 
When they call you to do something
‘I’ll be there in a minute’ Ha, really?
So, who won?
‘It was a draw, definitely’ They will never to get feel what winning is like or, in fact, how to handle losing. 

