Little House on the Prairie was a pretty popular show way back when. Following the lives of the Ingalls - through an incredible nine seasons - the audience was taken on an adventure of family life, through the good times and the bad.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the show, here are ten things the Ingalls taught us about family life
Music brings the family together
When Pa whipped out the fiddle the whole family was bought together - nothing beats a bit of live music and a sing-song.
To overcome problems 
When Laura first started at her new school, she struggled to express herself in an essay on family, so made a speech instead. Way to go Laura.
Families will do anything to help each other
Charles Ingalls takes up a job in a dynamiting job after his crops are destroyed – a pretty reoccurring theme through the show. The job is dangerous but Pa will do anything to keep food on the table.
Sibling rivalry happens to all families
Thought only your daughters fought over boys – well it happened in 1870s Minnesota. 
To accept others into our midst
The Ingalls took a young boy into their home after he was accused of beating his father - and tried to bring the two back together.  
Mums and daughters will always be there for each other
Back to boy troubles again, but this time mum Caroline helps daughter Laura get a certain someone special to ask her to a dance.
That we get it wrong sometimes
The time when Laura and Mary decided to invest money for Rev. Alden that they were entrusted to mind, shows that we all get it wrong every now and then.
All families have a few problems
It wasn’t just the Ingalls that had a few issues – Mr. Edwards was estranged from his son John Jr. but with a little helping hand things are repaired between them.
To work together as parents
Ma and Pa would always sit down at the end of a long day – usually in bed with a bowl of popcorn – and discuss any problems that they needed to deal with. 
It's not just about blood ties
You don’t need to have blood ties to be a family – when the town pulled together to raise money to get Mary to a maths competition, it was just like one great big family. 
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