Parenting these days is a lot different to what it was like when we were growing up; no less harder - just different.


And while each generation has different obstacle to overcome, there were a few things that our own mums did when we were growing up that we TOTALLY wouldn't let our little ones do. 


Let us take a trip down memory lane...


1. Melt ice-cream in the microwave and then put it back in the freezer

We don't know how we never ended up violently ill! 


2. Allow us play outside for hours without knowing where we are

We basically hover over the kids now making sure they don't get up to mischief -what would the neighbours think?! 


3. Let us go leave the house without sun cream on

Nowadays, we don't even let our little one's look out the window without cream on. 



4. Encouraged us to walk home from school when we were ten - alone

It's a push to get the kids to walk around the corner never mind all the way home from school! 


5. Let us go out without having any form of contact 

No way are our little ones going anywhere near the front door unless they have a tracker tag on... i.e. their phone. 


6. Let us have sleepovers like every weekend

No way are we dealing with the hassle of that, thank you very much. 



7. Gave us treat sweets every day 

Now it's all about kale crisps and treat days. 


8. Let us go into Town on the bus with just a few coins for a payphone 

Even if we did let our little ones go shopping they'd want a lift in anyway. 


9. Let us eat apples straight from the tree in the garden 

We probably ate our fair share of insects growing up, that's for sure. 


10. Let us ride our bikes without a helmet on 

Well, this is one change that we are grateful for! 



SHARE if you can relate. 


