We are all aware that children are a blessing and while under no uncertain terms would we ever trade them in for our old lives, sometimes we (secretly) yearn for our pre-kid life - just sometimes...
After you have kids, many, many things change - our list of 10 just tips the surface:
Your memory
Gone are the days of being able to remember what you got up to a month ago – now you can barely remember what you had for breakfast and it’s only 11 am. Seriously, there are just too many things to remember - swimming lessons, basketball, hockey, ballet, dental appointments - that you are bound to forget at least one or maybe all of them.
Your home
Your home no longer resembles a magazine cover. You don’t care that there is spaghetti all over the side of the couch or that the dishes have been in the sink since yesterday – you are way too tired.
You love sleep
Before you became a mum, staying out late with friends was the be-all and end-all, but post-kids, getting to bed before ten is the highlight of your day – seriously.
You are not squeamish
Well, not as squeamish as before. You can now clean up vomit from all over the floor and wipe poop from your baby’s back without gagging, just don’t ask you to do it for someone else’s kid.
The way you view your body
The way you view your body definitely changes after baby number one, but even more so after baby number two.  If your body can grow and push another human being out of it, it can sure as hell look whatever way it wants.
Your DVD collection
Have you noticed that your DVD collection of classic movies has now be pushed to the corner to be replaced by what resembles a kid’s corner in the library?
They way you wanted to be a parent
You had ideals of how you wanted to parent. Including the ideal that you would have a set routine, your little ones would never watch an hour of TV or have a soother, however, when it comes to having an easy life you let a few of these slide.
Leaving your baby
You used to snigger at mothers when they became upset about leaving their little one for more than a day. Now the very thoughts of saying goodbye to your baby makes your lip tremble.
Your emotions
Your emotions are all over the place, even when you are not pregnant. You become overly sensitive to ads about kids or sad stories, crying is a daily occurrence for you.
Your wardrobe
Your wardrobe will be less about dresses and more about tracksuit bottoms and hoodies. While you don’t need to completely sacrifice your social life, you seriously won’t have any need for ten sparkly sequin dresses – charity shop time. 

