Birthday parties are great when you are a kid, not so much when you are the mum who has to organise and host the whole thing. And every year the following ten things happen. Every. Single. Year.
A guest will cry
Whether they want to go home, don’t like the food or someone was mean to them, at least one child will cry, about ten minutes into the party.
Your little one will cry
Usually because they aren't allowed sit beside a particular person or because they want to open every present before it has even started.
There will be a fight – yes, girls parties included
Maybe not an actual fist fight but there will be incidences of ‘he said/she said’. If it does escalade into a physical fight you might have a bit of a problem on your hands...
Someone will complain of a sore tummy
Usually due to them having too much to eat, but still, the last thing you want to do right now is clean up vomit.  
Another won’t like their party bag
You spent hours packing them, making sure they were perfect but you know, just know, that at least one partygoer won’t like what’s in it and ask for something else.
Someone will hurt themselves
At least one guest is bound to hurt themselves because they were running around or weren’t watching where they were going. Then you have to explain it to their mum...
One person won’t like any of the food
Regardless of what you have served and how many options you have, one person won’t like anything. And you will fear they’ll go home and say you never fed them.
They’ll spend most of the time bursting the balloons
Kids and balloons together is just asking for trouble - they simply can’t resist the urge to pop them, much to the detriment of your ears.
You won’t have enough plates, food or party bags
Whether a few never responded to the invitation and you obviously, not very cleverly, assumed they weren’t coming, you won't have enough stuff...
A parent will be late collecting
The party is over, you are exhausted and all you want to do is go home and put your feet up, but you can’t. Noooo....

