As mums, we all know just how difficult it is to enjoy a hot cup of tea, never mind 30 minutes of quality ‘me time’. We’re all aware of the benefits of putting ourselves first every now and then, but when you’ve got a toddler who is crying for their dinner or a teenager who needs a lift - right now - it’s easier to deal with them first.
But you don’t need to set aside a half an hour out of your already hectic schedule, by simply moving things around a little you can squeeze it into your day.
1. Make sure you feel fresh
First and foremost, make sure you feel fresh every day to be able to enjoy what little time you do manage to squeeze out of your day. CAREFREE® believes women who feel fresh are better able to live in the moment and enjoy life more; make sure you’ve stocked up on CAREFREE® pantyliners or washes and wipes so that nothing will get into your way when you do manage to find a spare few minutes.
2. Take the taxi sign off your car
No matter how old your kids are, you are probably ferrying them from parties to play dates and matches to swimming without ever considering where you actually want to go. If you can, take the taxi sign off your car and tell your older kids to walk – it’ll do them good! Use the spare time to sit down and breathe!
3. Utilise bathroom time
Going to the bathroom without a little head popping around the corner is not a luxury many of us mums get to experience. Instead of yelling you’ll be five minutes, lock the door and ignore the tapping... They'll eventually get bored, right?!
4. Get up a little bit earlier
Getting up just 15 minutes earlier will give you time to actually enjoy that cup of coffee that you so desperately need! Just remember to tip-toe down the stairs and if you have to drink it in the dark in case the light wakes up the kids, so be it!
5. Turn your car into a spa heaven
If you absolutely have to bring the kids to tennis or speech and drama, instead of sitting in the car watching the time tick by, use the 20 or 30 minutes to do a little pampering. A few magazines in the glove compartment, a nail file and some polish in the side door and some face cream in your handbag are all you need to make the most of waiting.
6. Schedule it into your day
If you have to schedule doctor appointments or laundry into your day, you can definitely schedule in some ‘me time’. Before you complain that there isn’t enough hours in the day, we’re sure you can find a spare 15 minutes just after the kids have done their homework or when they are watching a little TV.
7. Go to the library
The kids can head to the children’s section and have a wander around and you can head to the adult section. You don’t even have to take a book out – just pull something off the shelf and start reading.
8. Book a night away
Just do it! We’re sure Grandma would be more than willing to take the kids for the night if you wanted a night away with your other half. Or, if you really want time alone, book into a spa hotel on your own and just indulge yourself. You’ll arrive home happy, refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes your way - probably the pile of washing that's built up since you've been gone...
9. Turn off your phone
Even if you don’t think you spend a lot of time on your phone, you’ll be surprised at how much of your day you can free up by turning it off, or even putting it out of sight. You’ll get jobs done a lot quicker and you’ll find yourself with an extra ten minutes to yourself – use it wisely!
10.  Go on a family outing 
Not all mums want to be by themselves, with many finding it a relaxing experience to play and hang out with their kids. So why not schedule in some family time. Head up the mountains on a hike, go to the park or even have a movie night; the kids will be entertained and content and you’ll be able to relax a little while enjoying their time.

