A 13-year-old girl from India has penned a heartfelt letter to the principal of her school pleading with him to intervene in her upcoming marriage.

The teenager, having failed to convince her parents to terminate the arrangement, turned to the principal of her school for help, asserting that she did not want to become a child bride.

The girl, named locally as Duli Hembrom, insists that the arranged marriage will interfere with her education and career goals, but it appears her pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

Insisting, in no uncertain terms, that she was unhappy with the arrangement, the young girl wrote: "I do not want to get married. I took an oath at the time of admission that I will not get married before I turn 18. I do not wish to get married early."

Despite his daughter's wishes, Lachhu Hembrom asserts that the arranged marriage will still to go ahead, justifying his decision by saying: "It is difficult to find a suitable match for a grown-up girl."

Commenting on the topic of child marriage, which is particularly common in the region of India in which Duli and her family live, a spokesperson for the United Nations Populations Fund said: "Child marriage threatens girls' lives and health, and it limits their future prospects."

Despite being criminalised in India in recent years, very few prosecutions have been successfully brought in the case of child marriages

Duli's wedding is set for today in Jamshedpur.


