15 thoughts mums-of-one can relate to during coronavirus isolation

For us mums-of-one, this period of isolation has presented some issues that are... unique, to say the least. When you stop to consider the shrinking social circle of your sibling-less child, it can be a bit daunting. You doubt your every move and hope you are not doing more damage than good as you navigate this strange new world. Although we are struggling in different ways, mums-of-one can take solace in the fact that so many of us are in the same boat. 

Here are 15 thoughts mums-of-one can relate to during coronavirus isolation:

1. At one point, you realise that your child hasn't interacted with another child is almost three weeks.

2. You become a replacement for other children and if you are not the imaginative type... god bless.

3. You quickly cave on your originally strict rules like no treats til the weekend and no screen time during the week.

4. You never appreciated your child’s cousins and your friend’s kids more than right now.

5. You and your only-angel are killing each other half the time and clinging to each other for support the other half.

6. The routine you’ve drawn up, only serves as a reminder of how you are failing to stick to it.

7. Your child has referred to you as ‘mean’, ‘unfair’ or something unthinkable, a number of times since the isolation began.

8. You start the day with loving smiles and morning cuddles, but end it with wrestling, shouting and empty threats.

9. Your child has no one else to blame for this whole thing, and so has decided that its all your fault.

10. Though you had no intention of creating another human being before this, you are now fantasising about popping a playmate out just for the next few months so you can have five minutes to yourself.

11. You cling to the memory of routine and a time when you were not teacher, school friend, after-school friend, dance teacher, drama teacher, coach and granny.

12.  All the work you’ve done (be it work-work or housework) has been with the telly on. Your guilt may be crippling, but working is not possible with an only-child clinging to you as you move around the confinements of your home.

13. The weather determines how your day is going to go. Of a reasonably dry day, you can let your child in the garden. On a wet day, the world falls apart and you get so little done that the sun might as well not have risen that morning.

14. Your child’s mood is all over the place, and you find yourself tiptoeing around them.

15. You have actively run away or hidden from your child when they called you for the millionth time today.

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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