Mums usually find themselves saying and usually repeating certain things to their kids or themselves throughout the year, and each season brings out something new. While including the normal everyday things, there are a few that are specific to this time of the year. 


Here are 18 things mums say throughout November, December and January, and sometimes beyond...


Button your coat right up or you’ll catch your death

Because kids are prone to heading outside with their coat wide open, even if it’s lashing out.


Bring the umbrella just in case

It’s guaranteed to rain so you will need it.


Those clouds look very ominous

Black clouds mean rain or something more sinister – time to batten down the hatches.


You can’t go out, it’s too dark

Usually said at around 4pm.


Don’t put your cold hands on the radiator, you’ll get chilblains

Not just mothers, this is a favourite from a lot of grandmothers too.  


You can’t wear that out, you’ll catch a cold

Usually directed at a teenager heading out with friends. Usually.


Sure there’s no point cleaning the windows, it’ll just rain

Never were more truer words spoken.


Don’t go out with wet hair, you’ll catch cold

Because you might, although it’ll probably rain anyway...


We need to get you a good warm winter coat

Said every year and you still have yet to find one that is both warm and waterproof. Someday. 


It’s like a mad house in here

Get used to it – kids who can’t play outdoors play indoors instead.


Where are your gloves?

Just like the socks, there seems to be a black hole where all the gloves in the house go.


Put on a jumper if you’re cold, I’m not putting on the heating

If you’re like us the heating doesn’t go on until it’s at least -10°C outside.


Close the door you’re letting a draught in

Usually followed by: Were you born in a barn?


Have you done your homework?

Although this one usually lasts until at least May, after which you grow bored of saying it.


Why aren’t you studying?

Usually directed at the poor student who has major exams this year.


Have you written your Christmas list?

Said mid-November so you can start shopping now.


Santa’s watching you

Used even in January because Santa is watching for next year.


I can’t wait for the kids to finish for Christmas

Followed about a week or two later by: Is it nearly time to go back to school yet?

