Love was in the air at Glastonbury over the weekend as one mum captured the moment this couple got engaged.
Sarah McCurdie posted the adorable picture of a man down on one knee proposing to his girlfriend in the mud.
The future bride was in tears as Coldplay provided the soundtrack to their engagement.
There was one problem however, Sarah had no idea who the couple were. The mum hoped her Facebook post would reunite the picture with the stars themselves.
And others wanted to help as well as nearly 30,000 people shared the image in the hopes of it finding the happy couple.
Captioning the photo:
“Does anyone know this lovely couple? He proposed during Coldplay and I thought they'd like this photo!!
“My daughter also caught it on video. Love to get it to them if we can!! Please let me know or share like mad to try and find them!!”
And thanks to the power of social media, Sarah was able to find the couple as she updated her audience with:
“I've found them and been in touch. Thanks so much everyone!”
The lucky lady in question? Charlotte Cassidy who has since posted to thank Sarah and all those who helped her find the picture that captured the loving moment.
“Oh my god. I am so so, so grateful right now. IT’S US!
“We had no footage as our phone ran out of battery. You have completely made my night, thank you so much!”
Fiancé Colin also got a hold of some Snapchat footage that caught the moment he proposed.
Handy having 135,000 people there with camera’s to capture your proposal.
Colin posted:
"Someone videoed the moment I asked my now wife to be Charlotte Cassidy to marry me. And with the help of great people out there, somehow it made its way to us. Happiest moment of my life."
And it seems Charlotte wasn’t the only one to get engaged at the festival, Glasto-goers reported seeing dozens of couple taking the next step especially during Adele’s set.