When you have been in a relationship for several years, over time the butterfly feelings in your stomach can start to subside. And while this is perfectly normal, sometimes if you have been with someone for years, the love that you had for one another can fade and you can end up loving that person rather than being in love with them.


Here are five signs that you and your partner aren't on a very good relationship path: 


1. They irritate you

It is normal for your other half to annoy and irritate you, but if you are becoming annoyed by the things you used to think were cute it could be a sign that things are fizzling out.


2. They don’t excite you anymore

While it’s not practical to yearn for your other half whenever you aren’t together, but if you aren’t excited about the prospect of a date night or spending time with just them these are huge warning signs.



3. Other people keep catching your eye

It is perfectly natural to find other people attractive, but if your looks are starting to linger it might be time to have a look at your relationship.


4. You don’t do PDAs

Not everyone is comfortable with PDAs, but if you pull your hand away when they try to hold it or you can’t remember the last time you kissed it might be time for a chat.


5. You don’t respect them anymore

Laughing at their ideas or opinions or simply not listening to them anymore is not only disrespectful but a sign that you are not on a very good path.


