Between the ages of about 14 months and two years, toddlers are on the go, discovering new things and learning all about the wonders of life. However, while you try to teach them everything they need to know, in their own little way they are teaching you certain things as well.
Here are five of the best things you can learn from your little one: 
To not be afraid
Toddlers never seem to be afraid to try new things - they have no problem going to pull the dog’s tail, jumping off couches or eating dirt in the garden - something many mums can learn a lot from. Approach life with a little less fear and do the one thing that scares you the most.
To let things go and forgive
You have probably noticed that one minute your toddler is fighting with one of their peers over a toy and the next they are hugging. They don’t hold onto grudges if something doesn’t go their way. Even if you said no to getting them those sweets they wanted, they still gave you the biggest cuddle when you got home, didn’t they?  
To not judge
A toddler does not judge someone on their appearance, status or role in society. Without really thinking about it, they smile at people on the street, try to communicate with everybody they meet and will play with anyone who shows any interest in them in the playground.
To be themselves
Toddlers don’t care what other people think, they just do what they like. No we don’t mean in a bold way, but rather they manage to express themselves without feeling burdened by what others think – if they don’t want to hug someone they won’t, they sing and dance whenever they feel like it and don't care that they just ate an entire bowl of ice-cream
When your child began walking, it was their sheer determination to get up off their feet that started it all. Never giving up they went from crawling to walking with very little encouragement from you. Even when they fell on their bum they got right back up to have another go. Mums can learn a lot from this – don’t give up just because you have failed once, try and try again.

