6 fun-filled Halloween party games that everyone in the family will love

Spooky season is just around the corner!

Halloween is on the horizon, with the freaky holiday being just five weeks away. For many of us, one of our favourite things about the celebrations is having the perfect excuse to throw a family party.

Whether you keep it to your immediate household or throw the doors open to all of your loved ones, Halloween parties are such a great occasion to get together, put on a whacky costume and have an abundance of fun.

If you’re planning on hosting a spooky Halloween party over the next few weeks, then you might be on the lookout for a couple of party games to play! 

Below, we have listed six of our all-time favourite Halloween-themed party games, perfect for the month of October. Some of these can be played spontaneously, while others will take a little bit of planning beforehand. Regardless, all of these are wonderfully fun to play, and all of your guests will be desperate to join in:

Pumpkin decorating

Of course, as Halloween is almost upon us, we couldn’t not mention the classic activity of pumpkin carving! While you might choose to decorate a few pumpkins in advance for party decorations, you could also set a few aside for a fun-filled activity. Ask your guests to get creative and come up with the most original, crazy and dramatic pumpkin design. Once all the carvings are complete, ask each guest to pick a favourite, and whoever receives the most votes wins!

Spooky quiz

Everybody loves a quiz, so why not take it to the next level by making it Halloween themed? You can devise as many rounds as you like, with subjects such as scary movies, Halloween songs and spooky history. Split up your party group into teams, and the winning team shall receive a wonderful treat for their efforts!

Bobbing for apples

This game is a classic amongst many households during the Halloween season, and there’s a reason why it never gets old - it’s so much fun! Set up a large basin filled with water, and add in as many apples as you like. Each party guest must attempt to remove the apples from the water, using only their teeth. If you really want to add additional stress, you can set a timer to see how many apples each participant can collect under the clock!

Halloween bingo

Bingo is one of those timeless games that is super easy to twist for every occasion. To make the bingo spreadsheets more spook-ified, you could include images such as a ghost, vampire, Frankenstein, pumpkin, witch and more! Whoever collects all of their bingo squares first (and proclaims it) is the winner. Simple!

Talent show

If you have a talented bunch of performers in your guestlist, then they will absolutely love this idea! Before your party, ask all of your loved ones to prepare a striking dance routine or a belting karaoke performance to a Halloween hit. Whether it’s Michael Jackson’s iconic dance from the Thriller music video, or a classic rendition of Ghostbusters, everyone will have such a laugh with each performer!

Mummy wrap

Last but not least, this game is incredibly chaotic but will give your guests a lot of giggles! Split your party members into teams and give each group a roll of toilet paper. On the count of three, one member from each team must then be wrapped up in the toilet roll as quickly as possible, in a race against the clock. Whichever group successfully wraps up their teammate first is the winner! Of course, to avoid any waste, we would recommend collecting all of the toilet paper back up once the game is over.

