Menstruating is a necessary part of life for most of us mums, for better or for worse. Either way, periods are there, a practically inescapable reality of our own brilliant biology.


On top of the discomfort of cramps and bloating, unfortunately, many of us women are subjected to crass jokes or shaming just because we have periods.


A new survey commissioned by period-proof underwear manufacturers THINX found that 58 percent of women have felt embarrassed just because it was their time of the month, the Daily Mail reports.



1,500 women and 500 men from across the U.S participated in the survey, and a staggering 42 percent of the women polled reported being period-shamed.


That shaming can, sadly, come from those closest to us.


A fifth of women felt shamed because of a comment by a male friend. 12 percent say a family member humiliated them, while 10 percent say the negative comments came from a classmate.


Partners also participate in period-shaming at times. 44 percent of the men polled said they had cracked jokes about their partner's temperament when she was menstruating.



With this sort of humiliation, it's no wonder, then, that 44 percent of women feel awkward buying pads or tampons in the supermarket. 15 percent of women even resort to buying period supplies online because they are so embarrassed about purchasing them in person.


65 percent of the women surveyed are comfortable asking their significant other to get them pads or tampons. Nearly three out of four men said they'd be okay with that task, but 17 percent said they would refuse to do so.


Speaking about our menstrual cycles proves to be another point of needless stigma. 51 percent of men said that women should not openly mention their periods in the workplace.



Even saying the name can be difficult for some women.


47 percent of women choose to use a more 'palatable' moniker for their period when talking about it (Aunt Flo is in town!).


'Time of the month' is a fan favourite, with 87 percent using that name for their menstrual cycle, while 36 percent prefer 'monthly visitor' and 34 percent favour 'mother nature'.


Thankfully, though, 70 percent of the women polled feel fine discussing their period with their partner, as do 71 percent of men.


We should hope so - it's a monthly part of their partner's life!


Do any of these numbers surprise you, mums? Have you ever felt period-shamed?

