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Two months ago, Dr Donald Cline exploded into the media after he admitted to giving his own sperm to couples who were struggling to conceive. The women had no clue the donated sperm was from their own fertility doctor, and so far he has fathered eight of his patient's children.


Well, now another fertility doctor in Canada has been accused of the same thing. The accusations come from a couple who believe the doctor could be their daughter's biological father.


Daniel and Davina Dixon attended Dr Norman Barwin's practice when they found out they couldn't get pregnant in 1989. Twenty-six years later, their daughter, Rebecca, found out that Daniel isn't her biological father, and so her parents have filed a lawsuit against Dr Norman because they believe he used his sperm instead of Daniel's.


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Rebecca told CBS News that as she got older she began to notice that some things just didn't add up. She once read an article about how two people with brown eyes are very unlikely to have a child with blue eyes, which is the colour Rebecca has.


"When I was younger, I was often asked if I was adopted. And we laughed about those situations. I don't physically look a lot like my parents, but I look a little bit like my mother's mom... I was never really concerned that there was any problem.


However, as the years passed, Rebecca was adamant to get a paternity test, which revealed what she was thinking - Daniel was not her biological father.


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And so, they began to sought out the truth. After doing some research all fingers pointed to Dr Norman Barwin.


They found out that in 2013, Dr Norman was sanctioned for artificially inseminating three patients with the wrong sperm. He then resigned from practice a year later.


Then in 2015, Rebecca was contacted by a woman named Kathryn Palmer who had discovered Dr Barwin was her biological father. Rebecca and Kathryn took a DNA test which revealed they were, indeed, half-sisters.


Dr Norman's lawyers refused to comment to CBS, but said a statement of defence will be given "in due course."


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