We have heard of a number of parents complaining over finding dangerous foreign objects within food and drink in recent times, but this latest report is deeply concerning.


Authorities in New Zealand are dealing with an “eco-terrorist” threat to poison baby formula, according to the country’s Prime Minister, John Key.


The alarm was raised when small packages of baby formula containing poison were reportedly sent with anonymous letters to the National Farmers Federation and dairy company Fonterra.


While they have not yet established whether or not the threat is real, police say they are taking it very seriously.


Deputy Commissioner Mike Clement told the media: “Whilst there is a possibility that this threat is a hoax, we must treat the threat seriously and a priority investigation in underway.”


Authorities have now told supermarkets to remove the formula cans from their shelves and stockrooms, and have urged parents to examine their formula containers for signs of tampering.



Police now believe that the motive behind the threat was blackmail, over the use of a poison called 1080 for pest control. Many conservationists believe that this poison kills native wildlife.


Referring to the threat as a form of “eco-terrorism”, Prime Minister Key added: “The person’s motive is to try and bully the government into not using 1080…the reality of anyone carrying out this threat are extremely low.”


Let’s hope that this truly is a hoax and that no one has been harmed.


