If your children were asked to describe their mum, what do you think they would say?

Would they remember those times you lost your temper or snapped at them or would they pay tribute to your kindness, patience and understanding?

While most of us would hope for the latter, one mum in the States was given the opportunity to hear firsthand just how highly her son thinks of her.

This Hallmark ad, which was released as part of the #PutYourHeartToPaper campaign, sees Alex describe his mum without realising she is privy to the whole thing.

Paying tribute to his mother Pam, Alex, a trans man, can’t say enough good things about the woman who brought him into this would, and we’ll be honest, it’s incredibly moving.

Like a this fantastic ad, we urge you to take a look at this beautiful moment and then take a moment to appreciate all the wonderful things your children say about you when you’re not around to hear it!



