If there’s one thing internet users around the world love, it’s heartwarming footage of children coupled with touching videos featuring our favourite animals.

And when those two elements are combined, you can be sure the reaction will be one to remember!

Full of Christmas joy and brimming with the spirit of the season, a group of schoolchildren from St. Louis set about preparing a number of dogs from the Humane Society of Missouri for possible adoption.

Crouching by the dogs’ kennels, the elementary school students read their favourite stories to the animals so that the dogs could learn how to react around humans.

Commenting on the endeavour, Kathy Warnick, president of the Human Society of Missouri, insisted the activity benefitted the animals immeasurably as they await the arrival of a possible owner.

“Our shy dogs learn to relax around new people and our high energy dogs learn that calm beahaviour is desirable,” she explained.

Sporting Santa hats, this group of budding raconteurs held a raptured audience as the adorable animals listened intently and maintained an exchange with the children.

This is just too sweet!



