Scratching your head while you sit in a restaurant is a good way to put others off their food, but if you suffer from dandruff it definitely can’t be helped.


However, rather than letting it take over your life, here are five ways to help relieve the itch.


Before we go any further, it is important to understand the difference between a dry scalp and dandruff. A dry scalp can be caused by dry skin and appears like small, white flakes while dandruff is usually caused by oily skin and a fungus called malassezia globosa. 


Lemon juice

Regularly rub some fresh lemon juice into your scalp. Leave for about 30 minutes before you rinse it out. 


Apply a little Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is great for treating fungal and bacterial infections so rub it into your hair, leave for an hour and rinse it off. 


Gently wash your hair

Many of us will wash our hair in hot water and vigorously rub the shampoo and conditioner in. however, this can actually be counterproductive and irritating. Instead, gently massage the shampoo into your hair under and rinse with lukewarm water.


Don’t wash your hair too often

Washing your hair too often causing your scalp to produce more oil thus contributing to the problem. Try to cut hair washing down to two or three times a week – it will look worse before it gets better but it will be worth it.


Use a clean towel

When drying your hair make sure you use a clean towel to prevent the spread of bacteria.


