Currently, Ireland has the fourth highest rate of suicide amongst the 15 to 19 age group in the EU, with one in four people using a mental health service at some stage of their lives.
Media reports often link mental illness with violence, or portray people with mental health problems as dangerous, criminal, evil, or very disabled and unable to live normal, fulfilled lives. However, international research shows that the best way to challenge these stereotypes is through first-hand contact with people with experience of mental health problems.
Change is needed.
We're always told that we need to talk about mental illness, in an attempt to remove the long-lived stigma that has surrounded the topic.
Whether you chat to your friends, family, or even a total stranger - getting this conversation started is hugely important!
The brand new ‘Drivers of Change’ campaign has the power to help people by creating a campaign based on a simple insight - taxi drivers love to talk!
Mytaxi have connected with Aware, who are the national organisation providing support, education and information services around depression and bipolar disorder.
Together they are launching #DriversofChange, in an effort to remove the stigma and get Ireland talking about mental health. Aware has started training mytaxi drivers in Dublin to become mental health advocates!
We're hoping to spread the word about this deadly campaign, in the hopes that the stigma around mental health will become a thing of the past!