Five students from a private school in south Dublin have been suspended just a few weeks before beginning their Leaving Certificate exams after a water fight on school property.
The students in High School, Rathgar have two weeks until their Leaving Cert exams start which has caused huge issue with the parents.
Parents claiming the punishment didn’t fit the crime and that this is now having a huge effect on their children but also the rest of the sixth-year class.
This isn’t the first time however that this school has made news with misbehaving students.
In 2012, a group of sixth-year students organised a rave in the school causing three to be expelled and dozens suspended.
Receiving the punishment last week, the school decided to postpone the suspension until the start of this week so that students would not miss their Leaving Cert practical art exam.
The suspension has caused huge upset amongst students and parents with most saying another punishment should have been found.
School principal, Andrew Forrest has refused to comment to any of the media outlets which are covering this story.
The school’s code of conduct states that misbehaving pupils “will be invited to a meeting with the year head and the principal or deputy principal . . . The details of the breach will be read to the parents and the pupil’s contribution to the school . . . in the past will be taken into account”.
The students, who pay roughly €5,800 per year, are set to be allowed sit their Leaving Cert exams in the school.
But we want to know what you think.
Should the prank have been overlooked because of Leaving Cert pressure?
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