In this day and age, it's hard to imagine that students are going to school hungry.
Sadly this is a reality for many, as one primary school teacher, Kimber Bermudez explained her student's situation to a passenger on a flight.
Taking to Facebook, the Chicago teacher who teaches at Carlos Fuentes Elementary School penned how a conversation with a man, turned into something incredible.
On July 11, she said: "I was sitting next to a kind man on my Southwest flight 1050. He asked me what I did for a living, and anyone who knows me knows that I am a talker."
"I began telling him how much I love my job. Teaching is my passion. When he asked me the greatest challenge that I face I was honest with him. I told him that working at a low income school can be heartbreaking."
The post went on to explain that they spoke about the world and the realities that child poverty is still prevalent in our societies.
Kindly, the passenger asked for the teacher's contact information to in order to donate to the school.
However, another man had overheard their chat and tapped her on the shoulder.
Apologising for eavesdropping, he handed her "wad of cash" and told her to "do something amazing" and sat back down.
Soon enough, Kimber realised that the man had donated a number of $100 notes and the tears began to flow as she thanked him and explained how the money would buy students books and give back to their community.
Later she would learn that he had given her a total of $500. Two other men on the flight also offered donations of 20 dollars and 10 dollars respectively, apologising that they didn't have anymore on them.
Concluding her post that has racked up 39k reactions and 13k shares, she said:
"My heart is in complete shock and awe right now. When the world seems crazy there are always good people."
"This experience made me want to do more for the kids, and use my gift of speaking to help others in need. I want to pass this story around, and thank those strangers and their amazing hearts!"
Truly an inspiring story.