When Brooklyn Andrews was only three years old, her father Tony Andrews gave her and her two siblings a teddy bear each before he left to serve in Iraq.
Each bear was very special because whenever a button on it was pressed you could hear the father’s voice saying: “Courtney, Brooklyn and Jessy, I love you all.”
Tony tragically died in 2006, so the children only had the bears to remind them of their father’s voice and love for them.
Unfortunately, Brooklyn lost her bear when she was 14, while she was competing in the Disney Family Fun Run 5K and Mickey Mile. It wasn’t until she returned home that she realised it was missing, so her quick thinking mother posted an urgent plea to Facebook to help her find the bear.
The post reached Sonya Deese-Byrnes, general manager of Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa, who vowed to find the bear and return it to the heartbroken teen.
Thankfully, the precious toy was located, but before it was returned to Andrews it went on it's own adventure and got to meet all the friendly characters in the park.