Carbohydrates tend to come under fire in the weight loss discussion, which makes dieting so difficult as carbs are the ultimate filling food that give you an instant boost, but bad carbs ultimately leave you feeling unsatisfied. A major key to good carbs is to look at the fibre content. Fibre is a complex carbohydrate and takes your body much longer to break down than refined carbs (such as white flour) leaving you feeling fuller for longer.
Be Prepared
Snacks play an important role in our busy daily lives, and will prevent over-eating at mealtimes, so know your good snacks and have them handy in your drawer at work, in your handbag, in the  car, in the fridge, or wherever hunger can strike. Otherwise, when you dash into the convenience store or drop your hard earned euros in the vending machine, you will be tempted by the nasty carbs. 
Our Favourite Good Carb Snacks
Some of the snacks require a little work from you initially, but your pocket and your waistline will ultimately thank you.
  • Dry breakfast cereal – A small bowl of dry, high fibre cereal is a great snack. Add a little dried fruit if you crave sweetness
  • Rice cakes – available in a variety of flavours, both sweet and savoury
  • Wholegrain Bagels – toasted with a low fat spread
  • Bananas – a fantastic filling snack, also packed with vitamins and minerals
  • Crackers – opt for the low fat wholegrain versions
  • Wholegrain or granola cereal bars - these pre-wrapped bars can be a life saver, but keep an eye on the refined sugar content
  • Popcorn – Ideally air-popped, or make your own at home and pack in individual bags
  • Wholewheat/bran scones, muffins, etc – if you can’t find these in the supermarket or convenience store, make a big batch at home and freeze them. A little effort goes a long way. Click here for a  great low fat,  high fibre fruit muffin recipe

