If you have ever found yourself lumped with a bill after your kids made a few in-app purchases without your permission, you’re in for some good news.


Following a ruling in Seattle, U.S. District Judge John Coughenour, ordered Amazon to set up a year-long process to reimburse any parents whose child made an in-app purchase without them knowing.


The ruling comes after the online giant was accused of making it too easy for children to make a purchase while playing games on mobile devices. In fact, so far there has been an estimated $85m of unauthorised charges made already, according to the International Business Times.



The judge’s order calls for Amazon to set up a notice and claims process at the start of 2017, and must alert parents of their eligibility for refunds.


The company’s request to issue refunds via gift cards was rejected.


Calling for Amazon to alert eligible customers "removes the uncertainty of the proper lump sum amount that the parties have vigorously disputed,” Judge Coughenour said.


“Moreover, it accomplishes the goals of placing liability on Amazon and refunding eligible customers."



While it is unclear whether this affects customers in Ireland, it is definitely a start to fixing a problem that so many parents have to deal with.

