What you need
You don’t need anything for this game – other than to take it outside.  It’s a fun active game that requires team work and space to run.
How to play
  1. Divide the kids into 2 teams (if there are lots of kids, just create more teams)
  2. Line the kids up one after the other.
  3. The person at the top of the line places their hand through their legs to reach back to the person behind.
  4. The person behind should grab the hand of the person in front, and reach their hand back to the next person.
  5. This continues all the way down the line until the line is a fully connected snake
  6. On the count of three each team must race to an appointed line and back, but they must remain intact.
  7. The team that makes it back first as a fully intact snake is the winner.
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