Have any young, aspiring writers at home who would benefit from trying out a creative writing programme? Then be sure to help them check out the Edna O’Brien Young Writer’s Bursary at MoLI this summer!
Open to 15-17 year olds, the five-day immersive blended learning programme is open to 15 talented students around Ireland from the 18th of July to the 22nd in the summer of 2022.
The programme centres around mentoring, focusing on creating a project over the five days from one of Ireland’s leading writers. Not only will they have the chance to meet the award-winning writer, Colm Keegan (‘Don’t Go There’ and ‘Randomer’), but they’ll also have the chance to learn more about the books and literature industry in general, with talks form Irish publishers, authors and literary academics scattered throughout the programme.
An invaluable opportunity for any teen considering a career in writing or who just enjoys putting pen to paper, the application process is relatively simple and open to anyone between the ages of 15 and 17. The programme actively encourages applications from a diversity of ethnic or cultural groups including, but not limited to, Asian, Black, Traveller and minority ethnic, refugees, people with disabilities, working-class and LGBTQI+.
The point of the course is to nurture interest, so no experience is required – just passion.
The programme will include a residential stay at UCD student residences, so anyone anywhere in Ireland can apply. The bursary covers travel and meal costs for the duration of the course and the writers will see their work published in a special edition under the Museum of Irish Literature (MoLI) publishing imprint. And what’s more, the 15 successful applicants will be given membership of the museum and be invited to various museum events throughout the year – a seriously amazing opportunity!
Students can apply by filling out a simple online form and the consent form for the parents. Answer questions like why you should be selected for the Edna O’Brien Bursary along with an extract of something that you have written. This should be short (less than 300 words) and totally original. It’s not about perfection – just passion and your creativity, so don’t be afraid to apply! Applicants need to apply by the 14th of March 2022, 10pm.
For more information, see here.