With the clocks having gone back one hour this weekend, it's fair to say you may have some slightly discombobulated children on your hands.

As every parent knows, even the smallest change to your child's sleeping pattern can wreak havoc on a household – the effect of which can unfortunately be seen for days as they make valiant attempts to get back on track.

As every family has their own routine and response to change, it's important to implement a strategy which best suits you and your children when it comes to this season's shorter days and longer nights.

Preparing yourself for the implications of the one hour adjustment can be done with the help of a cheat sheet designed by 'And So To Bed' app creator, Gwendi Klisa, which offers fantastic advice to parents and families when it comes to this bi-annual event.

By identifying the type of family you are in addition to the parenting approach you take, you will be more than capable of addressing an issue which can cause untold upset in the houses of many little people over the coming days.

Take a look at this and find out whether you're a 'Freestyle Family', 'Champion Planner 'or a 'Show Must Go On' kind of gang.

We know what we'll be referring to over the course of the next few days!



