There are many things you will argue with your child about. However, this can be time-consuming, by learning to pick your battles you will find yourself saving plenty of time.The tween years are a uniquely special time in a child's life. She will begin to make decisions for herself, while still looking to her parents for some guidance. While all parents will want their child to grow and become increasingly responsible, there will be times when direction and discipline are not possible.
So how does a parent decide when an argument is really necessary and can’t be avoided?
Learn how to pick battles effectively with a child with these tips:
When to help tweens choose friends
It is difficult for parents to have a say in who a tween can and cannot be friends with. Children tend to choose friends who have similar hobbies, likes and dislikes and whose personalities match their own so more often than not parents and tweens don’t have any disagreements regarding friends.If there is a particular friend who you just don’t like, try not to cause an argument or try to forbid the friendship without good cause. However, if you notice a sudden change in personality for the worse, there may be cause to have a closer look at his friends. Sometimes a child will form friendships with others so he feels accepted into a group socially and this can cause them to become stressed and unhappy which can lead to changes in behaviour. It is times like these when parents may need to put their foot down and end a friendship.
When to help tweens choose what to wear
Tween fashion and trends are highly geared towards teen and adult fashion trends but usually on a more subtle basis. If a child wants to wear something that isn’t to your taste but it fits well and isn’t unsuitable or revealing then it probably isn’t worth fighting over.However, if a tween opts for skimpy clothing or pants that hang below the waistline, you then have a reason to put your foot down.  What a person wears gives off signals to others about their personality. There needs to be a compromise in place about what a parent likes and what a tween wants to wear
When to choose what a tween eats
It may seem like an unlikely argument to have with your tween, but the rate at which adolescents are being defined as overweight is growing at an alarming rate.
It is a parent’s responsibility to make sure their child is eating a healthy diet. Junk food should be considered an occasional treat and never a staple in a child’s diet. Try to rectify this by having a set grocery list and if possible, go grocery shopping alone in order to avoid an argument in the store.
Helping tweens choose activities to pursue
Your child may already have a natural interest in a particular hobby or sport which is great news. However, if she doesn’t, perhaps you should consider encouraging her to get involved in one. Group activities are beneficial for mental and physical development, and gives him the opportunity to build friendships with other children who have similar interests. If your tween doesn’t seem to like any particular activity, keep offering encouragement. It’s not wise to force a tween into anything as it only causes resentment.

