A brave Irish mum has come in for major praise today, after sharing a heart-wrenching insight into her battle with postnatal depression.
Mum-of-two Suzanne Brack took to Facebook to share a warts-and-all insight into her experience living with the condition, which affects so many mothers all over the country and beyond.
In her heartfelt post, Suzanne explained how she recently welcomed a daughter into the world. However, rather than being ‘the happiest woman alive’ after the birth, she soon began to struggle.
“A few weeks after she was born…I noticed my feelings for her were nowhere near to what I had for my son. I looked fine but, inside, I wasn’t,” she admitted.
Soon, every day began to feel like a ‘chore’ for Suzanne, but she put her feelings to one side, to care for her baby. Sadly, things only got worse.
“Days passed. It was the same routine: her constant piercing cry in my head, not being able to move without her in my arms and wanting me. I was full of anger and frustration towards her. I hated her but I couldn’t let the world see that,” she wrote.
As you can imagine, the next four months were filled with a lot of stress and tears, and she felt completely ‘out of control’.
Despite the fact that she was ‘sinking’, Suzanne didn’t want to worry her loved ones with her ordeal, believing that they wouldn’t be able to understand.
Finally, Suzanne’s family realised that something was not right, and she was brought to hospital for help and treatment.
It was there that Suzanne was diagnosed with postnatal depression; a condition which she had never even heard of before.
Thanking everyone who helped her through to the other side, Suzanne sent out a very important message to others reading her post this week.
“I just want people to understand the meaning of mental health. It can happen to anybody, and you need to fight. Nothing is better than coming out the other side…Everybody is fighting a battle, big or small, and we need to be more aware of this,” she urged.
Suzanne’s parting words are so important to take on board: “Silencing will not help.”
Well done to Suzanne for speaking out; her post will no doubt go a long way towards helping other struggling mums everywhere.