Rachael McGeoch and Becky Pistone went into labour on the same day thanks to their special twin’s powers.
The identical twin’s due dates were 13 days apart and were set to deliver their babies at different hospitals.
Rachael was due in the second week of August but didn’t go into labour. The doctors induced her but it failed to work.
The sisters, who live two hours away from each other, knew they needed to be together.
Becky travelled up to Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge to be with her sister. She held her sister’s hand and comforted her, shortly afterwards Rachael went into labour.
Whilst Becky was supporting her sister through the birth, she went into labour too.
She was admitted to Mount Auburn Hospital and was brought into the room next door to her sister.
Rachael’s husband Bill had to assist both women until the girl’s mother and Becky’s husband arrived. Rachael says, “For 2 hours Bill was juggling both of us until she was trigged and admitted to the room next to me where Todd and my mom were able to join her.”
Becky sat on an exercise ball during some of her sister’s labour but had to return to her own room shortly afterwards.
The sister’s, who partners are both called William, delivered their babies within 20 hours of one another.
Rachael gave birth to a baby boy named William Charles Bubenicek on August 15 at 10:41 pm. Rachael shared on Facebook “Bec and crew were banging on the walls as they heard our baby William born at 10:41 pm!”
Becky had a difficult labour that went on through the night and into the morning. Rachael shared that her sister wasn’t making a lot of progress and her baby wasn’t in the right position to be delivered.
The twins knew that they had to do something to move the delivery on, so Rachael asked the nurses and midwives for their help.
Thanks to the help of the hospital staff’s Rachael managed to help her sister. She says, “We knew she needed some inspiration... the nurses/midwives helped me sneak in with baby William so she could meet and hold him.”
She sat with her sister for a while and revealed that Becky was fully dilated and delivered her baby 24 minutes later.
Becky gave birth to a baby girl named Andi Isabella Pistone, at 6:54 pm on August 16.
The twins believe that this is the most surreal and amazing thing that has ever happened to them.
They expressed their gratitude for the staff at the hospital and thanked them in a letter on Facebook, “To all the Midwives, Nurses and staff at Mt Auburn Hospital who understood the twin connection and made this all possible!!”