Parents who are getting their children toys that connect to the internet are being warned of their ability to record “potentially sensitive” information.


After privacy campaign groups in the US filed complaints of toys recording children’s voices, the Data Protection Commissioner issued warnings of the potential privacy issues.



With some toys being removed from shelves across Europe, the office says parents who were considering buying such toys for their children this Christmas “may wish to take extra care when selecting any electronic toy that has a camera or voice-recording ability, connects to the internet or allows remote connection using a smartphone or tablet app”.


“For some of these products, the voice recordings are shared with other companies, and the toys’ terms and conditions may allow for your child’s conversations to be used as the basis for targeted advertising,” the Data Commissioner said.



“Any interactions your child might have with these kinds of toys is a potentially sensitive matter.”


However, with just days to go until the big today, this warning may come too late for many who already have their presents wrapped and ready to go.

