It's the news every man has been waiting for and the announcement every wife or girlfriend has been dreading.

According to scientists in Germany, a 'lad's night out' is vital if our significant other is to notice a reduction in their stress and anxiety levels.

Researchers at the University of Gottingen have established that male bonding is more likely to lower a man's stress levels than time spent with their partner or family members.

Using groups of Barbary macaques, a type of ape which is known to exhibit human-like social behaviour, scientists identified a marked difference between the ape's stress levels when in the company of males and females.

According to researchers, the subjects of the study displayed fewer signs of stress when in the company of male counterparts - a discovery which led researchers to identify a trend among other macaques which indicated that stress-related illnesses only appeared to occur among the females and couples of the group.

Elaborating on the findings, Christopher Young of the university's Primate Social Evolution Group, said: "If male primates live in multi-male groups they usually fight fiercely over access to females, but males can develop friendly relationships with a few group mates. Male macaques form social bonds similar to human friendships that buffer them against day-to-day stressors."

So, does it sound like your significant other is due a big night out soon?!



