Today, more than 60,000 students will receive the results of their Junior Certificate exams.
This marks the first year that the new Framework for Junior Cycle has been looked at, in the subject of English.
Both the assessment and grading systems for English have changed as a result, and there are no longer As, Bs and Cs.
Instead, students will receive one of six "grade descriptors", such as a Distinction, Merit, or an Achieved.
Marks are awarded on a continuous assessment basis, not just for the exam in June, but also for assignments that took place during the school year.
In maths and in Irish, more students opted for higher level papers this year.
This year also sees the removal of typewriting as a subject (who knew that was still a thing?)
The subject with the lowest numbers now is Ancient Greek, which just 26 exams taken this year.
The Junior Cert results will be available from schools throughout the day and online at from 4pm.
It is important to note that if someone is unhappy with a result, there will be an opportunity to appeal the grade.
You will need to pay a fee and get the school principal to write a letter of appeal application to the State Examinations Commission.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can call the Department of Education (exam division) on (090) 644 2808.
Good luck to everyone today - you're fantastic!