Losing your partner while you're pregnant is devastating on every level, and one of the heartbreaking realisations that hits you, is that you will never have a family photo.


Well, parents all over the world have been using technology to turn that around, and one mum who has done so - with stunning results - is Stephanie Summers.


Stephanie was five months pregnant when her husband, paramedic Taurean Summers, died in a plane crash while escorting a patient to hospital.


Stephanie went on to give birth to beautiful Taurean Junior, and requested the services of photographer Laura Gordillo to capture their first memories together.



Stephanie and little Taurean carried out a gorgeous photo shoot together, but when the mother-of-one went to collect the photos, she was in for a touching surprise.


The talented Laura, who previously shot Stephanie and her husband's wedding anniversary shoot, had doctored the photos to include the late Taurean with his family.



Speaking to Yahoo! Parenting, Laura said: "Stephanie didn't think she'd have a family photo to ever hang on her wall and show her son. Now it's something she can show him for years to come."


Laura went on to share the image on social media, and it has gone viral around the world.


What an incredibly touching gesture.


