Many parents may be wondering, when exactly it is appropriate to let your daughter wear makeup. While there is set appropriate age, if your child is eager to wear makeup, it’s wise to indulge, just a little bit.
Most girls go through an awkward phase around the age of 11, and using a little bit of makeup can boost their self-esteem.  It’s best to start your child out with a makeup kit that contains a few coordinating shadows, blush, concealer and lip gloss.
At this age, girls don’t need foundation. In order to cover up any blemishes, use a concealer. Lightly dab it on any blemishes and blend it by lightly brushing outwards.When using blusher, it’s best to opt for a natural, sun-kissed look. Lightly brush blusher over the “apples” of cheeks, the bridge of her nose, and her forehead.It’s best to avoid heavy lipstick or lip liner and opt for a fresher, more natural look with lip-gloss. Lip gloss is natural while adding a shimmery glow.
At this age, eye liner is avoided when it comes to makeup for tweens and teenagers. Eyeliner is better as a night-time look but if your tween insists on wearing it, perhaps opting for a soft blue or green pencil might be less dramatic.Sticking to eye shadow is a far better way to make young eyes stand out. To apply eye shadow, brush a medium shade from the lash line up to the crease in the eye. Brush a deeper shade from the crease to slightly above it.It’s a good idea when buying brushes and applicators to spend a little money. They will last longer and do a better job. Remember to wash brushes regularly at least once a week. Wet the brushes and lather with a little bit of shampoo. Rinse completely and dry off excess by blotting on a paper towel. Leave the brushes overnight to dry.
Covering acne
Acne can take a serious toll on your teen’s self-esteem. The first step to curing severe acne is to see a dermatologist. However, if your teen just has a few blemishes, or gets an occasional spot then teaching her proper makeup application can help do the trick.
Find a concealer that is oil-free. There are specific concealers that are meant to cover acne and that contain an acne fighting ingredient such as salicylic acid or benzyl peroxide. Dab on the concealer gently with a concealer brush, let it sit for a minute and then blend the edges so you don’t see where the concealer meets the skin.
Beginning makeup
Here are some essentials to help you get your daughter started:
Nude eye-shadow: This is flattering and subtle on almost everyone.
Blusher: Choose something soft, pink and barely there that matches her natural colour.
Lip gloss: Choose a shade only slightly darker than her natural lip colour. A sheer rosy gloss will look naturally pretty as opposed to overdone.
Most tweens and teens want to appear older, but that’s not the point of makeup. Avoiding heavier makeup like mascara, liner and foundation will allow her to get started with makeup while still looking her age.
Do not share makeup with friends
Young girls love experimenting with makeup, and sometimes that means sharing makeup. Most of the time, this is not a problem but there are some items that shouldn’t be shared.
The safest cosmetics to share with others are powder eye shadows, blusher or bronzer and face powder. It’s best to keep your own stash of mascara, eyeliner, lipstick or gloss as they tend to transmit more germs because they are liquid-based. Mascara and eyeliner can also pass on eye infections such as conjunctivitis. Using someone else’s lip products can transmit cold sores or other germs that cause illnesses like the flu and the common cold.
Beauty parties for your tween
If your daughter is fascinated by all things makeup and beauty, then she will simply adore a beauty party for her special occasion. Keep the guest list to about six to eight girls in total, that way everyone will have plenty of time to get makeup and nails done. Consider hiring a beautician to do nails or makeup or if you know someone who is a dab hand at that sort of thing, then why not rope her into beautifying your princess and her friends?
You can provide face masks, nail art and plenty of glitter to keep the girls entertained! If you’re brave you could also offer to style hair!
Watch the eyebrows
It’s a good idea to advise your tween on the proper plucking methods before she attempts to tweeze for the first time. You don’t want her ending up with eyebrows that are too thin! In fact, it’s probably a good idea for when she starts getting her eyebrows tweezed that you take her to a Beautician to get them shaped professionally. Here are the proper tweezing guidelines:
Hold an eye liner pencil along the sides of the nose running vertically up and down the face. Use this line as a guideline to show where your eyebrows begin and extend outward. Your eyebrows should extend just past the inner corners of your eyes.
It's best to pluck just underneath the eyebrow, never above it. This will help to maintain its natural shape. Investing in quality tweezers will help grab the brow hair easier. ‘Tweezerman's Slant’ tweezers are the easiest to use. 

