Dry skin can make your face and body feel tight and appear flaky and is not a particularly pleasant thing to have. While it can be a little tricky to deal with, if you avoid these common mistakes you’ll have gorgeous, soft, supple skin in no time.


You are not moisturising enough

If you have really dry skin you need to moisturise at least twice a day – morning and evening. Choose a product suitable for your skin and massage it gently into your face and body


You’re drying your body then applying moisturiser

The best time to moisturise your body is straight after the shower when it is slightly damp as this will help seal in hydration.


You’re not exfoliating

You need to exfoliate your face at least once a week and your body twice to remove any flakes of skin that will clog pores and make your skin appear dull.


You’re using the wrong products

Using the wrong products on your skin can exacerbate any sensitive dry areas so make sure you are using the right cleanser, toner, moisturiser etc.


You’re not drinking enough water

The most effective way to beat your dry skin is to drink plenty of water to keep your skin soft and free of toxins.

