One mother came up with a creative way to let her daughter, Haylie become a Disney princess for the day.
Angela Bosner from San Diego, America decided to create Haylie’s princess costumes by hand after seeing how expensive they were in shops.
After completing her daughter's first costume they decided to go to Disneyland where Haylie was dressed as Snow White. But as much as her daughter enjoyed the experience of being a princess for the day, Angela was more shocked of the reaction of parents who were at the park.
"The reaction was pretty amazing. People kept looking at her and asking, 'Where did you get that costume?'”
Even though Angela has received many offers to turn her talent into a business she has refused.
"That's not something I ever wanted to do," Angela says. "I never wanted to make it a job. I just enjoyed my daughter being the only one with that costume — something that's uniquely her own."
Her mother says she made so many Disney costumes throughout the years for her daughter Haylie and has so many fun memories of letting Haylie live her dream as a princess for the day.
"Haylie had so much fun immersing herself in the characters and making so many friends, both characters and park guests. For her, it was years of magical and wonderful Disneyland memories that she will never forget."

