I’m up before my husband every morning and usually stay up later than he does at night. He works full time for a bank and I know the job is demanding, but his behaviour lately is really upsetting and I’m not sure how to handle it.
I’m constantly wrecked and finding it so difficult to keep on top of housework and he won’t help out at all. He used to do a little bit, but since he started a new position a few months ago, he now says he’s too tired in the evenings and at the weekends and won’t help.
I tried tackling him about it a couple of weeks ago and he told me housework was part of my job since I was at home while he was out in the office. I felt so degraded and really unappreciated. He made it obvious that he thinks what I do isn’t as important as what he does and that he doesn’t see what I do as work.
Running around after 3 kids all day is exhausting and easily a full-time job and housework is an extra huge job on top of that. I’m not asking him to come home and immediately make dinner, but if our partnership was fair, I think he should be doing the dishes afterwards and helping with general cleaning. He doesn’t even come grocery shopping with me at the weekend.
I feel like he has no respect for me and won’t change his opinion of what it is I do all day. I really feel like I can’t stay with someone who belittles me like that. Have any other mums been in my position and what did you do?