Ah, maths. They told us it was essential, that we would never get through daily life without it – but look at us here, NEVER having to use the Sine-Cosine-Tan rule!


Of course, every now and again, our little darlings will approach us for a help with their maths problems – and then our numerical failings come flooding right back.


The ordeal of being presented with a maths problem by our kids has been captured too perfectly by those wonderful mums at The BreakWomb who, it would appear, are just as useless at maths as we are!


When one of their daughters comes to them with a problem, it quickly becomes clear that all the scribbling and problem-solving in the world isn’t going to help them. Indeed, when they suggest ‘signing the cosine’ and decide that the problem creator was trying to throw the student by using a gender-neutral name – we know it’s not going to end well.


This could very well be us, of a regular weekday, in the video below. Check it out and prepare to laugh.



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