The year is drawing to a close and as we begin to think of what 2015 has in store, it's natural to want to set some goals for the year ahead.
New Year's resolutions don't just have to be for mum and dad, though - you can get your little ones and older kids in on the action too.
Teaching your children about resolutions is a great way to help them build positive habits and to think independently.
It's also a brilliant way for kids to learn about following through on things - perhaps you could set up a rewards chart or decide to check back in with them about each resolution at the end of January.
Here are some ideas of goals your kids could set for themselves for next year...
Children aged five and under
- I will clean up my toys every evening and help to tidy my room each week
- I will wash my hands after going to the toilet and before I eat
- I will be a friend to kids who seem left out or lonely at play school or big school
- I will be a good helper when mum or dad need me to be
Children aged 6 - 12
- I will try to find a new sport or activity I like this year and will get active more
- I will never join in with bullying at school and will never make fun of other kids
- I will try to drink more water or milk instead of sugary and fizzy drinks
- I will clean out my schoolbag at the end of every week and try to be more organised with school work
- I will try to get eight hours of sleep every school night 
- I will put away my phone and turn off the TV half an hour before I go to bed
- I will try to eat at least four portions of fruit/vegetables every day
- I will keep up with study and get all my homework done on time
- I will be on time for school every day

