When your child finds themselves on the receiving end of bullying or insults, every parent’s knee-jerk reaction is to protect and comfort them, and one US couple provided a shining example of how to deal with peer abuse.


Erin and Joe Kennedy DeLong were left dismayed when, last week, their 17-year-old daughter Miranda woke them up to inform them that someone had spray-painted “I’m gay” across their garage door during the night.


As both of their daughters – Miranda and 14-year-old Emily – identify as bisexual, Erin and Joe wanted to send a message back that both shamed the bullies and supported their girls’ lifestyle choice.


Rather than restoring their garage door to its former white-ness, Erin and Joe painted the panelling with a rainbow, representing their proud stance as an LGBT household.



Explaining their decision in a post on the 'Stop Homophobia' Facebook page, mum Erin wrote: “We decided that some announcements deserve more than grey spray paint…Family, friends, and countless strangers have been extremely positive and supportive.”


Although some neighbourhood kids have been hurling anti-gay abuse at the family over their decision, Erin insists that they 'just try to let it roll off their backs'.



What an inspirational move. Well done to them.


