We are so relieved this morning to report that Yamato Tanooka, the seven-year-old Japanese boy who went missing after being abandoned by his parents near bear-infested woods, has been found safe and well.


According to reports this morning, Yamato was found ‘by chance’ by a member of Japanese military personnel, in a hut in an exercise area about 5km from where he was last seen on Saturday.


The hut, which doubles as sleeping quarters during training, had been left unlocked. Yamato was found ‘curled up’ on a mattress inside there, when discovered.


Yamato was said to look ‘in good health’ and was uninjured, except for a few cuts. While he had access to water via a tap outside the hut, he told his rescuer that he was hungry and thirsty.



The doctor who examined Yamato told local news reporters: “He was incredibly calm considering he had been missing for seven days. He didn’t panic at all.”


As for Yamato’s parents, they are naturally relieved and overjoyed to have their son back, and father Takayuki tearfully thanked everyone who was involved in the search.


“The first thing I did was apologise to him for causing such an awful memory for him. The first thing I said to him was that I was really sorry. He nodded and said OK, like he understood,” said Takayuki.


Admitting that his and his wife’s actions were unacceptable, he added: “Our behaviour as parents went too far, and that’s something I’m extremely regretful about. I thought that what I was doing was for his own good, but, yes, I realise now that I went too far.”


We are so thankful that little Yamato is now safe and well. He will remain in our thoughts.


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