As parents, we tend to spend a lot of time pestering our kids to put their phones down in order to get their homework done, enjoy a family meal undisturbed – the list goes on. The anti-social and concentration problems that are thought to arise from phone-addiction aside, it seems there is a new ailment for the tech-obsessed among us.


People of all ages have been taking to social media to share their concerns over something that has been referred to as ‘smartphone pinky’ – where the baby finger (or 'pinky finger') has been bent out of shape due to constantly being moved out of the way while holding a phone.


As crazy as it may sound, this is a real condition, and the photos taking up our Twitter feeds this week prove it!





“Smartphone pinky is real,” wrote one female Twitter user, sharing a close-up of her baby finger, with a clear inward groove at one side.


As you can see above, many others have posted photos of similar deformities on their hands, with the baby finger the most affected digit.


Have you been a victim of smartphone pinky? It might be time to put the phone down!

