A recent article ran by the Daily Mail has a lot of men worried. A huge amount of men and their partners contacted us here in Pillar Healthcare regarding this story: 'Men with poor quality semen are more likely to suffer high blood pressure and hormone disorders.' This is not exactly the headline you want to see if you are a male struggling with their semen quality.
What does this really mean for men?
Before we jump right in, let's take a step back a little. The body produces cells; sperm cells, immune cells, cells in your lungs, etc. The manufacture of these cells is down to two simple things: first, we need the raw materials to make the cells; second, we need the right environment and messages to control the building of the cell. An example of this is an egg cell. Oestrogen, Progesterone, LH and FSH create the right environment for the raw materials to be used correctly and efficiently. This is no different for a sperm cell.
If a man has been diagnosed as infertile due to poor semen quality, is this a sentence for future poor health and diagnoses? In a word, yes. But that is the now, and what can we do about it? If a man has been told that his volume is down, his motility is poor, the DNA within is of poor quality, this is not good for the now. It is safe to say that, if you are creating poor sperm cells, we can assume that you are creating poor cells in other parts of the body. Sperm cells are easier to get our hands on than, say, cells in your heart or arteries.
The good news!
We now know that when you improve the nutritional intake of a man, live a healthier lifestyle and reduce negative influences on sperm creation, we create better sperm cells. Is this advice any different for those diagnosed with cardiovascular disease or endocrine disorders? Not in the slightest. Magnesium is important in opening all your arteries and veins, reducing cortisol, helping insulin, keeping the body alkaline, increasing the manufacture of serotonin, dopamine and melatonin. It is also involved in creating sperm. When our body is struggling, regardless of whether it is because of stress, nutritional deficiencies or anything else, this will have ramifications on several functions of your body. The body does not work in isolation, so we should not treat it as such. Nutrients like Arginine, Vitamin E, Zinc, Selenium and Co-Q-10 have all been shown to improve sperm volume and also their quality! All of the above nutrients are important for the heart, the liver, the adrenal glands, etc.
Remember that the body will create around 200-300 million sperm cells a day. In one minute, your body will make two million new red blood cells and 700,000 new lymphocytes; but the same amount of these cells will also die. The body is in a constant repair and replenish cycle. This needs to be facilitated. We eat food for two reasons, to create our structural framework and then for its nutritional content, which controls the human body. Keep this in mind when trying to improve a problem or diagnosis, and don't forget about the lifestyle.
The high incidence of low sperm counts in young (European) men and evidence for declining sperm counts in recent decades means that the environmental/lifestyle impact on spermatogenesis is an important health issue - An article published in the Royal Society of Biological Sciences, 2010.