14-year-old Maggie Gleason was born with numerous disabilities, but despite having overcome most of them Maggie still struggled with one particular issue: her hearing.

Profoundly deaf, Maggie was born without cochleas which meant she couldn't benefit from the traditional cochlear implants which have made a difference in the lives of so many aurally-impaired people.

Instead, after waiting 11 years, Maggie received a brain-stem implant which bypasses the ear and sends sound information directly to the brain.

Discussing the development of the procedure, Maggie's mum revealed: "There was a lot of research that needed to be done. The fears at the time were facial paralysis, brain damage and spinal cord paralysis."

Thankfully Maggie's surgery was a complete success, so why not check out the wonderful moment Maggie hears her dad's voice for the first time in 14 years?



